Profiel van Lara Antoniades

Illustrated Book: The Women's HandBook

Women's HandBook 
Project Description: Disrupt the single meaning assigned to an object, subject, idea or image by the addition of word/s.

Solution: I embarked on this artistic journey by intricately sketching the hands of iconic women from the glamorous 1930s to the sophisticated 1950s era. These meticulously crafted illustrations were then paired with verbatim excerpts from men's publications like GQ and Men's Health Magazine. The objective was to explore the intriguing dynamics that naturally emerge when juxtaposing society's discourse directed at men with images of women.

Every facet of this hand-stitched book is laden with symbolism. Its double-sided design mirrors the complexity inherent in every narrative, revealing that every story possesses multiple facets. The book's elongated and slender form, secured by delicate ribbons on either side, adds a touch of femininity.

Rather than portraying women as a whole, my focus honed in on their hands. Throughout history, calloused hands have symbolized toil and perseverance, traits traditionally associated with men as breadwinners. The irony lies in the fact that the hands featured in "The Women's HandBook" belong to some of the most affluent and accomplished women of their era, radiating elegance and poise.

The amalgamation of these handcrafted illustrations and excerpts from men's magazines spawns a compelling interplay of meaning between image and text. Take, for instance, the phrase "the number one source of information," plucked from Men's Health Magazine, which typically touts the wealth of knowledge it imparts to its readers. However, when juxtaposed with an image of two women sharing tea, it evokes notions of gossip rather than the beneficial information it promises to deliver.

Illustrated Book: The Women's HandBook


Illustrated Book: The Women's HandBook


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