HelpAge India| Elderly-neglect problem solving campaign

Elderly neglect | Illustrative awareness campaign
Advertising uplifts the lives of many when it goes just beyond selling the products. Saying so, the project taken up for the academic year is the Problem-solving campaign. While we youngsters are busy dealing with our own problems of inflation, stress and anxiety there are the silent sufferers in the society. The elderly! The fast-moving world is advancing at a great pace for senior citizens to sync with. There are many issues unspoken or unexpressed that impact their life quality. Aging in our country is still not taken positively. It has to change if seniors are not to be left alone.

Hence, the problem selected for this project is Elderly neglect and caring for aging parents, as there prevails less awareness in the society regarding the same. This campaign works towards communicating and addressing those undelivered minute issues to the families of the elderly. 
Thus spreading awareness and suggesting solutions to overcome the neglect.
Communication media
Information and publishing media
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HelpAge India| Elderly-neglect problem solving campaign
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HelpAge India| Elderly-neglect problem solving campaign

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