Science-Fiction Art

This project contains personal work and some concept art
Brighton 2850
A Planet Named Shayol - Cordwainer Smith
Cities in Flight - James Blish
Three to a Given Star - Cordwainer Smith
The Burning of the Brain - Cordwainer Smith
Alpha Ralpha Boulevard - Cordwainer Smith
In the Days of Perky Pat - Philip K Dick
Downward to the Earth - Robert Silverberg
The Lady Who Sailed the Soul - Cordwainer Smith
Drunkboat - Cordwainer Smith
Golden the Ship Was Oh Oh Oh - Cordwainer Smith
Thieves of Viola Siderea
The Unreconstructed M - Philip K Dick
The Dead Lady of Clown Town - Cordwainer Smith
Alpha Command
Dwikka fruits from Lord Valentines Castle - Robert Silverberg
Altered Carbon - Richard Morgan
Cities in Flight - James Blish
Brown and Yellow Corridor from The Dead Lady of Clown Town
When the People Fell - Cordwainer Smith
Ballad of Lost C'Mell - Cordwainer Smith
Planet Named Shayol
The Game of Rat and Dragon - Cordwainer Smith
Under Old Earth - Cordwainer Smith
Norstrilia - Cordwainer Smith
Bank concept
An uct from Helliconia - Brian Aldiss
Mirage Hunters - Terry Dowling
Blue Captain Tom Tyson - Terry Dowling
Town square concept
The Belltree - Terry Dowling
A Little Something for us Tempunauts - Philip K Dick
Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang - Kate Wilhelm
The Dispossessed - Ursula K LeGuin
Mother Hitton's Littul Kittons by Cordwainer Smith. Updated. Mother Hitton now more accurately portrayed as blonde. Yes, she still looks remarkably like Mary Tamm. Read the story one day, it's a sci fi horror classic!
Excavations on Resurgam. Inspired by Revelation Space - Alistair Reynolds.
Think Blue, Count Two - Cordwainer Smith.
The Crime and the Glory of Commander Suzdal - Cordwainer Smith
Scanners Live in Vain - Cordwainer Smith
Water Rocky Road from 'The Dead Lady of ClownTown' by Cordwainer Smith. 
Science Fiction Art


Science Fiction Art

Science-fiction concept art

