Opera Experience App
The following is the result of a short, hypothetical design exercise focused on customer engagement strategy.
This is a mobile application that enables opera customers to claim discounted opera tickets through interacting with the opera plot and opera experience. This interaction provides customers with the appropriate backstory and preparation to get the most out of their opera experience, increasing the likelyhood of turning new customers into repeat customers.
Sketch and Brainstorming
Ways to enhance experience without being distracting:

Based on my research about the first time opera experience, I wanted to make sure this app would not distract audience members during show.

The research indicated that users are prone to a more enjoyable experience if they already know the plot. These images dipict my throught process of working through an interaction solution that teaches the plot to the customer prior to seeing the Opera
Persona and Scenario

“Draw a broader audience”
I developed a persona, Katie Ann [image below], who is a young professional that has never been at an opera, but open to exploring more things to do in the evenings with her friends. She’s always up for bargains.
I put Katie Ann in a scenario where she discovers a new opera and agrees to learn about the plot ahead of time in exchange for a deal. 
Engagement Strategy

“Turn newcomers into recurring, passionate patrons”

This engagement strategy focused on targeting Katie Ann and keeping her engaged in the opera experience. 
The app attracts her by promising a deal for an opera ticket in exchange for taking the time to learn the plot and listen to the opera music ahead of time.  

She does not interact with the app on show night, but since she learns it ahead of time, she is well prepared for the show. She is then able to enjoy the show more. She comes back to the app for further opera discounts, making her a recurring, happy customer.
Wireframe Interactions

Turning engagement strategy into actionable wireframes.

Based on the engagement strategy, I wireframed a mobile app that allows users to discover Opera deals, and then swipe through the plot and listen to the songs in order to claim it. 

Design goals
1) Enable users to discover operas
2) Familiarize users with the plot and songs before show night
3) Give them an incentive to come back (offer deal)
High(er) Fidelity Screens
Opera Experience App

Opera Experience App

An opera experience app focused on customer engagement strategy.
