ALPINE A4810 Exterior Design

Alpine A4810 is the 2022 masters thesis project done in collaboration between IED, Torino and Alpine. The brief was to design hydrogen powered super Berlinetta for 2035 that combines the sportiness of the brand, the French spirit and the link with the Alps. We students presented to Alpine our personal proposals after extensive research and ideation done in groups.
Here I present my work and proposal for this project which ultimately became the selected main theme by Alpine along with some inspirations from another proposal which we students further developed for final design.
This proposal was selected by Alpine in top 4 to be developed further.
This was main theme selected by Alpine for final design
The rear design is a combination of the main theme and 2nd proposals from my colleague Valentino Rajan. At this stage we worked on defining details as Headlights and Taillights. Also, Rim design was developed by Valentino Rajan during this phase.
Once the Design was finalised, we moved on to develop the final NURBS model for milling
ALPINE | A4810
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ALPINE | A4810

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