/// The G-Type is the next chapter of flagship Grand Touring, in the lineup of the innovative luxury automotive brand, Jaguar cars.
G-Type is a project done completely in Blender over a period of 15 hours, starting from sketch to modeling to visualization.
/// Welcome to project G-Type!
To read an article of this project published on the Automotive Design Planet use the following link:
To read an article of this project published on Autoevolution use the following link:
/// The G-Type drives the ecstatic sports-GT performance into the electric future of the automotive industry, carrying ahead the legacy of Jaguars' flagship performance cars, which are driven with a graceful emotional design language. Succeeding the iconic C, D, E and F type models, the G type secures the place of Jags 2-seater coupe into the coming Green future.​​​​​​​
/// Trailer
/// The G-Type stays true to the design language of the legendary E-type, one of the most beautiful cars ever produced.
The sensuous and elegant curves, wrapped around precise proportions make the car an extremely emotional creature. The DRG emphasizes the feminine qualities of the design, by making the facia inviting and gorgeous.

The all glass panel above the bone-line of the car makes almost 50% of the bodywork, consisting the DLO, Bonnet and the Trunk. It in turn gives the car a unique and distinctive two tone effect. The Bonnet shows off interactive Light-Spheres, which represent electrons and show information of vehicles' drive mode and state of charge.
/// Details
/// Drive
/// Thank you for your time!
please do appreciate and share if you liked the work, comment for your views!

[ NOTE: This is a personal project done over a personal brief for Jaguar Cars, JLR. Models such as wheels, logo along with Textures, materials and HDRi are taken from e-stores and used under license. The project is completely owned by Onkar H Nirmale, and the work is not to be shared without permission. ]
Jaguar G-Type

Jaguar G-Type
