Shed Wear -  Alternative design brand!

This project started during the end of 2020, while the world was shut down at home during the pandemic, my partner, Tiran Ezra and I were seeking to expand and combine our talents. As consumers of alternative brands we saw the need of making a local, middle eastern, alternative brand for people who love edgy style. 

A direct translation, of the word Shed is 'Demon' in Hebrew, שֵׁד.
Therefore the main theme of this brand evolves around cultural taboo subjects such as demons, occult and death.

After our first appearance at the scene we got requests to collaborate with different artists, therefore some of our clothing include collaboration with a graffiti artist Dioz and calligraphy tattoo artist Gofo_ink.

We try to keep our work local and it's very important to us to give a stage to our talented friends - photographers, videographers, artists and models.

Our clothing is printed by Stamaniak.prints a small local screen printing business.

Instagram Highlights Icons Designs.
Our first Collection, Fall 2020
Photographs by Netanel Leibovitz
Baruch Ha'Shed sweatshirt release.
Music and video shooting + editing by Tiran Ezra
Summer collection 2021.
Featuring "Korban" T-shirts design collaborated with Dioz
Photographs by Netanel Leibovitz
Winter collection 2022 -
Featuring "Beelzebub" hoodie/Zipper collaborated with Gofo_Ink
Photographs by Tamar Aloni
Summer Hats,
Modeled by Eddie - a local successful Barbershop owner and a very supporting friend of ours.
Photograph by me - Inna Libman
Photographs by Netanel Leibovitz
Demon Coin - Keychain/Necklace
Photograph by me - Inna Libman

Bags Design
Photograph by Tiran Ezra; Tamar Aloni

Instagram GIF Designs
Tiran and Me, 2022
Photograph by Netanel Leibovitz
Shed Wear

Shed Wear
