Luca Giarrizzo's profile

The Retired Botanist (Unreal Engine 4)

This is the study of a retired botanist, who gets flower specimen from his friends and former colleagues at the Academy.

Real-time environment in Unreal Engine 4.
3D models including flowers modelled in 3ds Max. Flowers were posed using cloth simulations in 3ds Max.
Small tree modelled in SpeedTree for Unreal Engine. Unwraps done in 3ds Max and UVLayout.

Materials were made in Substance Designer.
All wooden parts and objects in the scene were done from a single Wood Generator made in Substance Designer as a starting point.
Book covers were done using a personal Frame node to arrange a pattern along a frame with custom corner patterns.
A texturing pass for flowers, furniture and instruments was done in Substance Painter.

The scene is lit using a baked Skylight and a couple of subtle movable non-shadowing Point Lights for bringing out some detail in the curtain and tree.
Videos captured in Unreal Engine 4.
The Retired Botanist (Unreal Engine 4)