Royal Logos profili

Virtual Travels - Brand Identity Design

About Virtual Travels
"Virtual Travels" is a new business, that is planning to create high-quality 3D virtual tours, especially for hotels. These tours will help the businesses to
- stand out online
- enhance their hospitality
These virtual tours will allow the proprietors to showcase their hotels or other venues online, to engage more customers. In this way, tourists/customers will plan their stay and other events before they ever host a site visit. The high-quality visual representation will provide a digital solution not only to save money but also time.

Design Concept
The logo has in its core the meaning of quick and easy virtual tours for better customer satisfaction. The logo is designed as an abstract mark with a balanced and sophisticated visual impact.
The hidden story behind the logo is the combination of four elements, a virtual enclosure, a map pin, a person, and wings. The person represents a customer who is going to perform a virtual tour, the map pin specifies the location and the wings represent the easy and quick tour. 
Thanks for watching & have a nice day
Virtual Travels - Brand Identity Design
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Virtual Travels - Brand Identity Design

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