Alan Murphy's profile

Death of a Salesman

Death of A Salesman
This project was based on a play I was studying for one of my modules in college. The idea was to design a mock poster for a live performance of a chosen play using a real life object.

The real life object that I used was the American dollar for the play I was studying which was Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman”. I felt that the American dollar symbolised one of the main themes of the play which was chasing success and riches, the core components of the American Dream to an extent you convinced yourself that money is the only way to ensure you have a happy and successful life.

Below: The original, unaltered dollar bill
One of the main details I used for this was to scan a $1 dollar American Bill and altered to face. This is to symbolise that the ideology of the American Dream that the main antagonist in the play, Willy Loman believes in and that it may consume anyone of us. It also reflects the ending of the play where at the end of the play Willy is all but forgotten as nobody attends his funeral and his race for success and riches amounted to nothing.
Below: The alteration of George Washington's face using a segment of his forehead and using the Clone tool to create the "faceless" effect
Death of a Salesman

Death of a Salesman

College Project where we had to manipulate a Real World object to use for a poster for a play that we were studying in that semester
