Rhizome is a Romanian online clothing shop that needed a facelift. Myself and Raluca Rogoz joined our powers together to recreate their identity. 

We started from the Goddess archetype which we found the most representative for this brand. The most used keywords were: creativity/ play, roundness of women, happiness in our own body, the joy of rediscovering feminity, flow, open space, fluidity.

Anahita Goddess was the fit for what we've found; her characteristics matched the new brand. In Persian mythology, Anahita is a Goddess of water, love, fertility, a protector of women, a war divinity. Her name translates as the pristine.

Starting with these ideas, we created a font that flows within an elegant wave. We've found a gradient of rose gold combined with a pure rose and called our colours names, as we usually do. The tagline of the new brand is We are all Goddesses.

We generated mockups for business cards, bags, tags, banners and even outdoor to test how it would look out in the world. Check what we done below.
Rhizome Rebranding

Rhizome Rebranding


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