Lewis Lin's profile


Automotive Design

Lamborghini Next-Generation Hybrid SuperSport design with next-generation design tool - Virtual Reality
In this project, I integrated the next-generation design tool, virtual Reality (VR), into the design process and created a next-generation supercar. Experimenting with Gravity Sketch during the early design stage influenced the horizontal and vertical thinking stimulus, which will include in the project's future implementation.
After decades of computer-aided design, who is next?
Designers can use computers to assist them with data collection, modeling, and visualization, and computer skills have become a vital tool for designers throughout time. Computer-aided design interventions can be applied in multiple ways at various stages of the design process. When using a computer, however, I always wonder whether it would be more efficient to model the design faster in the early stages of development or to view the design on a display screen closer to the accurate scale, resulting in a more realistic result?
Virtual Reality will be the answer!
Given the benefits of Virtual Reality, such as quickly creating low-realism models and a realistic (1:1) scale viewing space, I believe it will become an important design tool for the next generation.

How to integrate VR into the design process?
During the research period, we participated in VR research conducted by some teachers' labs and learned about the advantages and disadvantages of VR design tools. Therefore, we discussed how VR tools should be effectively integrated into the design process with professor Lin, Ming-Huang, and other members.
And we concluded that theoretically, the most appropriate design process should be the interface between the sketch stage and the CAD stage (Sketch-based Modeling), which means that horizontal thinking is transformed into vertical consideration to maximize its effect.

Use Gravity Sketch to create an idea sketch, and rough surface → Convert the model to Rhinoceros to produce precise character and details.
In this project, I used the GRAVITY SKETCH to enter Virtual Reality after sketching and used the sketch as a foundation to swiftly produce a realistic scale three-dimensional model in space. The sensory stimulation provided by the 3D space model is not accessible in 2D sketching. It allows me to extract more distinct thinking and ideas in the early stages of the design, giving me a more holistic picture.
I draw a rough sketch in Procreate, and this is used as a basis to create the basic framework in the Gravity Sketch using the stroke function and laying out the uneven surfaces. After completing the exploratory model, I imported the model into Rhinoceros to meet the final model.
Presented by LYC.Design
Project Director  |  Lin Yu Cheng

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