russia started the war against Ukraine in 2014.

russia took Ukrainian Crimea, Donetsk, and Lugansk. Russians occupied these parts of our country. They bombed our cities and killed Ukrainians.

From February 24 russia started bombing the whole Ukraine. russians are burning Ukrainian cities, destroying our homes, and killing Ukrainians.

russia killed 109 children since February 24. And hundreds of women and men. 

russia lies to the whole world that we are killing ourselves, we are bombing our hospitals and kindergartens. russia is a terrorist county. 

My home is in Kyiv. I don't know if I will return there and still have my home.

71% of russians support putin. They think that Ukrainians are nazis, that our army kills civil people. But it is not truth. russian soldiers take civil people like hostages, tortured and kill them.

Ukrainian people in such cities like Mariupol or Kherson don't have water, food, or electricity. russian soldiers are killing them in the streets, in the queue for bread. 

russians are real monsters and fascists.

Kyiv on the fire


Kyiv on the fire

Kyiv on the fire
