Italy is here divided in three main areas: north, center, south. The half-circle radius represents the total resident families for the specific area. The consequent different thickness of the horizontal bar expresses the total population of the category. 
Looking at the regional analysis, north and center regions are below the national average poverty incidence line. Another important aspect is that the incidence rates in the regions of these two areas don’t seem to vary a lot one from the other.  The poverty incidence is much higher in the southern part of Italy, where most of the regions are way above the italian average poverty incidence (11%). Regarding the family type division it is interesting to notice how the increase in number of family members  corresponds, generally, to an increase of poverty incidence. Again the south shows the most worrying rates with a high number of 5 (or more) member’s families that shows the highest incidence rate.

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Data set from the ISTAT paper "Relative poverty in Italy - 2006"

The more, the poorer?
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The more, the poorer?

Analysis of the interrelation between population numbers and poverty incidence in Italy. Project developed during the information visualisation Lire la suite

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