Lord of flies
[PT] Ilustração feita a partir de um trecho do livro "Senhor das moscas":

"...a figura se soergueu, inclinou a cabeça e soltou um hálito fétido na sua direção. Simon caiu de quatro e vomitou até esvaziar todo seu estômago."

Senhor das moscas, William Golding
[EN] Illustration made from an excerpt from the book "Lord of flies":
..the figure straightened up, tilted its head and blew a fetid breath in his direction. Simon dropped to all fours and vomited until his stomach was empty."

Lord of the Flies, William Golding
[PT] Esboço feito com caneta nanquim sobre papel canson, no formato A5:
[EN] Sketch made with ink pen on canson paper, in A5 format:
The lord of flies

The lord of flies


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