Profil użytkownika „Katarina Ekegren”

Method manual: gender equality in the bioeconomy

The method handbook presented in this page is an accessible guide for teachers and students to integrate digital issues from a gender perspective into forest and agricultural education.
The story behind the method handbook is that the forest and agricultural industries are two of the Nordic region’s most gender-segregated sectors. Digitalization and increased automation of heavy jobs could benefit gender equality in the sectors. However, this has not happened. Instead, digitalization risks reinforcing the current power structure by making university education and professionals active in digital technology also male-dominated. In order to create opportunities for influence and participation in the digital development of the bioeconomy, tomorrow’s employees, that is: today’s students, need to gain a deeper understanding of this problem and be involved in identifying and implementing solutions. 
Method manual: gender equality in the bioeconomy

Method manual: gender equality in the bioeconomy
