Okay so I like to write little stories sometimes and well usually they express something I can't really put into words when speaking. I really like how the stories play out though and I thought I could post some here and see if anyone else likes them.
Story 1. The Child
Something seems to whisper in my ear. Almost a sweet nothing if I don't listen but when I focus on the highs and lows of her mellow voice I hear that of an old friend reading me a story. I don't know this story but it's nice. She has a laugh in her voice. I can almost see her smile through the mist. Do I know her? I know of her but who is she to me? Will I ever know her? A hand that is small and thin but supple with youth. A child. That is who she is. She isn't a random person but rather me. Or a different version of me. Younger and scared. I know her now. I pick the child up and give her a name, Sadness. She seems to know why I named her that and understands. She gives a subtle nod and murmurs that she is grateful that I gave her her true name. She is me but yet different. I know this because she told me. Maybe she will stay but maybe she will leave. I don't know yet but I have faith in what is to come.
Story 2. Version 1.
What brought me here? I...I don't know. I guess I just followed a small voice that urged me. She whispered sweet promises of safety and comfort beyond my wildest dreams. She said I would have a home. I do now and she didn't lie. This place has guarded me as a mother would her child. The trees seem alive and they sing to me lullabies when the nights are rough and sleep is elusive. The rain hushes and quails my fears as surely as a father would his child of there being no monsters in the closet but the child knows there is. That monster is not there to hurt them, he just wants a home too. Even I have a monster in my closet, his name is Fear. Fear has been with me my whole life but he has a friend. Her name is Guilt, she whispers things to Fear and he tells me that they aren't pretty or nice but at least I know what she is saying now. I don't hate my monsters, rather I love them. They make me who I am and in that way I need them. I hope you learn to live with your monsters too.  

Version 2.
Many things brought me here. A whisper of safety, a smile full of hope, a nudge in the right direction, and just a little bit of aimless exploration. I found the forest and fell in love with the trees. They sing, you know, if you listen close enough. The animals all know me but have no fear of what I am. Maybe I am one of them. Maybe not. The deer look at my pointed ears and dark feathered wings and ask "What are you?" to which I reply "I don't know yet but maybe I will find out here". Content with the answer she leaves with her faun and continues on her way. I like being here, it makes me feel safe and loved. I may not be important but I know that I help as many of the woodland creatures as will let me. 
Story 3. The beast.
This was no dream I could tell for as far as my eyes had dared to see all there was was black. Only the solemn weight of silence weighed on my shoulders and pressed upon my being. I was safe but fear lanced through my whole and my core as if I knew there was a beast waiting to devour me if I let my guard down.
Story 4. Never Enough.
I can speak to people I hardly know but when it comes to talking with those I trust and who I want to keep close I just shove them away as if I can't stand the sight of them. I want to break the cycle but I don't know how. I wish I could get over the trauma keeping me from loving and letting others in. I want to be able to confide in my beloved people who are dear to me but a wall rises when I open my mouth forcing me to close it again and go off on my own to revel in the unsaid thoughts that I have. A piece of paper and a drawing later I still feel confused and now I am upset and tearing apart my work that I had been so proud of but find hideous upon looking again.
Story 5. Waves of the Mind.
The waves lull in the back of my mind where the silence seems too eager to lap at the pain working there and forging a whole new hurt that will burrow into my soul and latch like a parasite to me and never leave me in all of my doubt. It seems to listen and know just what I feel. I'm not alone anymore.
Story 6. The Sailor's Lament.
I close my eyes and hear her sweet song call in a lilting voice that seems to taunt. She says "Come, come my darling for we must be off." I turn away. I must not hear her for her bewitching voice is sure to be that of a siren and the sea that wish to drown me has bid her to bring me back. For yet again I hear that sweet voice true "Come now my sailor bold for you I wish my hand to hold" and I say 'Nay!' and cry in anguish as she fade into the emerald and cobalt waves. My love is now gone. My love now sets as the rising dawn. 
Story 7. Love, Amore.
Honestly I love the feeling of safety as I hangout with this person. In the back of my mind a thought floats idly by but doesn't leave even after they have. The thought whispers to me. It says "What if they held you in their arms? What if they called you theirs? Could we be happy? Is this bliss? Are they the one we want to spend our life with or is this just us projecting our need for love on someone who doesn't know?" Nonetheless I'm happy and the thought seems to be as well. It nags but not in a bad way. The thought keeps me company, it's nice. I fall asleep with a smile. 
If you guys would like more stories that I've written please let me know. I love sharing my work on here and I really like when people give me honest feedback on my work and how they feel about it so don't be afraid to comment your thoughts down below. 
venting stories
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