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Who are the best and worst drivers on the road?

Who are the best and worst drivers on the road?

Britain’s best versus worst drivers

So you think you’re the best driver on the road? OK, so you might be the one tutting at other drivers as they speed past you on the motorway or sitting smugly thinking about your untouched insurance policies – but are you in the minority for your age, gender or area?

Here at RoadHow we can help you improve your driving, whether you’re lacking in confidence or consider yourself king of the road. But what type of driver would most benefit from our support and who would pass our courses with flying colours?

Put your predictions on the table and let the data battle commence…

Men versus women
By the end of 2020, there were 18.3 million male registered full licence holders in England, compared to 17.6 million females. Combine the fact that more men have licences with more males having vehicle-based jobs, and the odds are stacked up against men for causing road accidents or for clocking up traffic offences.

There are lots of facts and figures out there suggesting men are worse drivers – the latest ONS data shows men in cars and vans cause twice the number of deaths as women on the roads. Is it simply a case of men covering more miles on the roads and more miles bringing more risk? Or is it down to a difference in driving style and who’s more aggressive behind the wheel. Perhaps more gender equality in jobs would cut down on road accidents.

Young versus old
We’ve all been there – stuck behind a car driving at 25mph in a 40mph zone, finally overtaking and wondering how the elderly driver can possibly still hold a valid licence. But do these slow and cautious road users pose more of a risk than the, typically, younger and less experienced drivers who drive far too close behind you or speed past at a dangerous point in the road?

The latest research for car insurance companies showed that main policy holders aged over 65 are least likely to claim for a road accident, while 20–24-year-olds are most likely. And with the proportion of people aged over 70 holding a licence increasing from 39% to 77% in the last 14 years, perhaps these insurance statistics are reassuring.

North versus South
From Aberdeen to Torquay, driving habits vary as the landscape and local traffic volumes change. So where do the safest drivers live? Research carried out in 2020 puts Inverness at the top of the leaderboard, with London at the bottom. Weigh up the type of roads and the volume of traffic and you might draw your own conclusions.

Look back at your predictions. Look at the evidence. Were you right?

Whether you’re male, female, 22 or 82, RoadHow can help you gain confidence in your driving, and push your insurance costs down:
Who are the best and worst drivers on the road?

Who are the best and worst drivers on the road?
