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Things To Know About FUT+FUE+BHT Hair Transplant

Things To Know About FUT+FUE+BHT Hair Transplant

If you're looking for the best hair transplant treatment in Pune, you'll find it!
You are certain that you have tried everything possible to manage your hair loss, but the condition persists and threatens you. You made the right decision by getting a hair transplant. But, in addition to deciding, you must also find the best surgeon to execute the procedure.

Pune is a major city in the Indian state of Maharashtra, and it is well-known for its IT industry. The majority of the people come from all over India to work and earn a living. The city's and urbanisation's populations are growing, as is the occurrence of hair loss. People are enticed to undergo hair transplants as a solution. Hair transplantation, as a long-term therapy for hair loss, produces natural-looking results. So why be humiliated and frown when you may be pleased with a permanent hair loss solution?

Why hair transplant is so sensitive procedure?
Hair transplantation is a treatment that involves transplanting hair follicles from your own body to a bald area. The donor area refers to the areas where hair follicles are extracted, and the most popular areas are the back and sides of the head, chest, axilla, beard, and pubic areas. Hair transplantation is a delicate technique because the hair transplants are so little that they can only be seen under a microscope. If you are not in the correct hands, these hair follicles are likely to be damaged, and you will not receive the results you desire.

Hair transplant in Pune is a difficult procedure, but are you receiving the best hair care in the city? Delhi and Jaipur are the most popular places for hair transplants, and you may expect amazing results at a few reputable clinics in these towns. Apart from the low hair transplant cost in Pune, individuals choose to travel to Delhi and Jaipur for hair transplant because the quality of the procedure is more important than the cost. The pricing is fairly reasonable in Jaipur and Delhi as well, but you may rely on a select few clinics for a fantastic experience.

Medispa hair transplant clinic is one such prominent location where you can realise your dream of a spectacular and remarkable hair transplant. We are the world's pioneers in this field, and our fantastic results and world-class facilities have earned us a significant reputation. Thousands of our patients, especially celebrities, have referred to Dr Suneet Soni, our founder, as a master of artistic skills.

So, regardless of where you live in the country, if you want something special from your hair transplant, come see us right away for a world-class experience.

What is FUT hair transplant?
FUT hair transplant is one of the most used hair transplant procedures. A tiny strip is removed from the back and sides of the head during this procedure. The strip is sliced, and hair roots are separated from it in large numbers. Stitches are used to close the donor area where the strip was extracted. At the bald spot, hair roots are permanently established. In each session, this approach may yield roughly 3000–3500 hair roots. It is mostly used to treat larger patches of baldness.

What is FUE hair transplant?
In most situations of facial hair loss or early hair loss, FUE hair transplantation is the best option. Hair transplantation can also be done in this way. In each session, this approach may yield 2000–2500 hair roots. Picking hair roots one by one from the donor area is how it's done. A punch-like device is used to extract the hair roots. Hair roots are removed and placed in the bald area.

What is BHT?
Hair transplantation is a procedure that uses your own hair. It is critical that the donor locations have an adequate amount of hair roots. Its purpose is to hide the bald spot. If the hair roots at the back and sides of the head are insufficient, additional body parts are examined. Body hair transplant refers to a procedure in which the doctor selects hair roots from different places of the body. Other locations include the chest, axilla, and beard, among others.

What is FUT + FUE + BHT method?
Both FUT and FUE are performed simultaneously in this approach. The majority of hair roots are picked with FUT. The FUE procedure removes the residual number of hair roots. Hair roots are extracted from the scalp and other regions of the body using the FUE procedure. The most common place on the body where hair roots are picked is under the chin. This is also known as the shadow area. The most crucial thing is to use the correct punch size. This would prevent scarring.

What are the benefits of this newer method?
This method has numerous advantages over other ways. The following is a description of them:
1. In a single session, this approach may yield over 4500 hair roots. This approach is ideal for treating high-level baldness in a single appointment.
2. This approach picks the hair roots from a smaller area. This saves the donor's site for further visits.
3. The procedure causes the least amount of damage to the hair roots. It's because the FUT procedure is used to remove the majority of the hair roots.
This procedure is extremely accurate. It should only be done by professionals. As a result, you must use extreme caution while selecting a clinic.
Medispa Hair Transplant Clinic is one of the few clinics in India that performs this procedure on a regular basis. Visit our medispa centre in Delhi or Jaipur to learn more about this approach.
Things To Know About FUT+FUE+BHT Hair Transplant

Things To Know About FUT+FUE+BHT Hair Transplant


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