Carla Maneas profil

Selected Pomes by C. Carminati - Mondadori

 Quel che c’è sotto il cielo. Poesie del mondo che è in me 
Chosen and commented on Chiara Carminati.

A collection of twentieth century poems on the metaphors of Nature that is around us and that lives within us, chosen and commented on Chiara Carminati.

Jacket cover and illustrations​​​​​​​
AD Fernando Ambrosi; Graphic designer Copia&incolla

◊ Selected in Book Series for Society of Illustrators New York 65 th USA 2022
Selected in Cover Childhood Edition and Selected in Childhood Edition Serie
Selected Pomes by C. Carminati - Mondadori

Selected Pomes by C. Carminati - Mondadori


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