Profil appartenant à Mohab Abdelrahman

UBIX - Digital Marketplace for Student Resource Sharing

UBIX - Digital Marketplace for Student Resource Sharing iOS
UBIX is a pioneering digital marketplace designed exclusively for university and college students. It reimagines the way students access educational resources, focusing primarily on textbooks and other academic materials. The app fosters a sense of community and collaboration by enabling students to rent items from their peers within the same educational institution.

As the UX Designer, my responsibilities encompassed the entire design process, from user research to final implementation. Key areas of focus included:

User-Centered Research:
Conducted in-depth user interviews, surveys, and created user personas.
Utilized empathy maps to understand the emotional aspects of user experiences.

Problem Definition:
Articulated a concise problem statement based on identified user needs and pain points.

Collaborative Ideation:
Facilitated ideation sessions with cross-functional teams to generate a diverse range of design concepts.

Prototyping and Iteration:
Translated ideation into tangible designs through wireframes and prototypes.
Conducted iterative design cycles based on early user feedback.

User Testing & Design Evolution:
Executed usability testing scenarios and incorporated user feedback into design iterations.
Showcased the evolution of the design through various iterations, emphasizing user-centric changes.

Implementation and Results:
Collaborated with the development team to ensure a seamless integration of the final design.
Shared measurable outcomes and key performance indicators post-launch.
The UBIX case study showcases my commitment to user-centered design principles, ensuring that the final product aligns with user needs and preferences. This project exemplifies my ability to lead the design process from research to implementation, delivering solutions that make a meaningful impact.
UBIX - Digital Marketplace for Student Resource Sharing
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UBIX - Digital Marketplace for Student Resource Sharing

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