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The Martian - Experimental Formats

The idea was that we had to take a text and visually represent the proposition you got from that text. To, my text is The Martian by Andy Weir, and my proposition was isolation.

I’ve taken phrases from the first chapter of the book that really hone in on the idea of isolation. To actually represent isolation, I’ve shaped the texts into perfect circles to represent the actual planet of mars, and taken out every single ‘i’ in the phrases. This means that the only ‘i’ is the one placed dead centre in the text, which both shows how Mark Watney has been taken out of the normal situation he should find himself in and been put somewhere he shouldn’t be, and that he’s stranded completely alone in the middle of Mars with no one but himself for company. Takes a lil explaining, but I think it’s cool!

The blurb on the back also has all the ‘i’s removed as if that’s everyone back on earth, obviously missing Mark. The cover and the end pages are similar to those parts on tourist maps that point “you are here!”, but of course Mark’s out there stranded in space.

The Martian - Experimental Formats

The Martian - Experimental Formats
