We are constantly reminded of the climate issue, but it is difficult to know how to act to help reduce our carbon footprint. Absorb has a concrete solution: they are planting new forests on residual land in Sweden & Northern Europe to neutralize carbon emissions.
"How can we make tree planting exciting and easy for individuals and businesses who want to neutralise their carbon footprint?" - this sentence was the basis for the project and you can decide for yourself if we succeeded. The project started with us working with Absorb to lay the foundation and create improved UX and UI design for the website. This with the aim of simplifying, including and attracting as many people as possible to want to contribute to the effort to reduce their overall carbon footprint. We built the website in Webflow and the calculator in React. For the payment solution, we used Stripe.

Watch full case here: https://en.added.digital/projekt/absorb​​​​​​​
Absorb Website


Absorb Website
