Profil appartenant à NextOfKin CreativesProfil appartenant à Rodney Loh

Pyrex Clear Seal Packaging

Pyrex Clear Seal Packaging (2010)
We partnered with World Kitchen to bring the fun back into their packaging communications! 

Pyrex developed a new range of storage containers with a unique clear lid that allowed users to see the contents of the container immediately. We took the approach of creating an interesting point-of-sales with the packaging box as our baseline. This allowed the product to stand out visually and sell its value proposition whilst bringing smiles to the curious shoppers!

Client: World Kitchen
Sector: Packaging
Discipline: Visual Language, Product Design, Colours Material Finishes
Project Team: Rodney Loh, Vincent Huang

How might we convey the new feature of Pyrex through storytelling on a packaging?

 “Communicating the perfect 
all-in-one solution!”

Focusing on the clear lid, we portrayed the notion of storage to oven to kitchen via themes of fresh produce storage and utensils usage. The pop up detail completed and communicated the themes whilst ensuring the efficiency of a compact footprint for the packaging box
Smart detailing within the die-cuts of the packaging box allowed flexibility in positioning the boxes to achieve better visibility within different shelves and display constraints.

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Pyrex Clear Seal Packaging
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Pyrex Clear Seal Packaging

We partnered with World Kitchen to bring the fun back into their packaging communications!  Pyrex developed a new range of storage containers wi Lire la suite

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