I'm Ukrainian Women - art collection

For all incredible womens, and Ukrainian woman’s, your power is amazing. 
Your bravery unbelievable.
Project collection of Ukranian Illustrators arts 
Anastasiia Hryvtsova 
"I can`t really speak or collect my thoughts without a cry.
My home town was fully destroyed by the Russian army, the country where I had relatives and friends, not anymore in my opinion.
City where I studied and lived 10 years, almost destroyed by the Russian army. Those cities were fully Russian speaking, I was 27 years of my life Russian speaking.
I move to Lviv just last year, we planned to travel to our mountains and Europe. It can look like I am in total safety but don`t have any idea: how my dears one and my parents? they are still alive? Unknowing and chance to lose everyone much worse than being under bombed myself."
Valentyna Duvan
Anastasiia Lagoda
I have known for a long time that Ukraine is an incredible country. And now I see with my own eyes that Ukraine is the capital of Freedom 💙💛
Iryna Rutylo
Nobody speaks about gender equality in war. It’ obvious here.
Majority of woman who take up arms are not a military. They they became fearless and omnipotent, protecting their children. Just like men. Glory to Ukraine!

Nastya Kolisniak
The light inside us.  This light will be a refuge in the dark. And this light will save us.
Osypova Anastasiia (AsiOsi) 
It started February 24th, about 5 a.m. we woke up with the first explosions in Kyiv. Opening news: Putin started a war against Ukraine ( “special operation”, as Russian propaganda said). Facebook feed and chats with our friends: “I hear explosions”, “I also”. We understand that it is serious. Our bags were ready, we prepared them in advance: documents, laptops, some basic clothing.  Something not very big that you can take and run. Hand luggage. So in a few minutes we were on the street. City was sleeping, no people or cars around. We called our family and friends. Some decided to escape immediately too, some decided to stay at home.
The USA predicted that war may happen. Few months before we know about such a possibility and we’re prepared. Well, actually you can not be prepared for this... People didn’t believe it could be, but everybody packed documents and survival stuff, cars always full with gasoline, food and water at home etc. All these months we lived with anxiety. We are used to it. We became strong.
When such a situation happens, everybody has doubts: should I leave or should I stay? What is more safe? What is more right? What can I do best? Where will I be more effective?
Some decided to stay and fight. Some have important work, old relatives etc and can not leave. Some escaped by cars or trains. Traffic was terrible. 
Part of my family and friends stays at home. We are in contact all the time. 
Each night they spend in bomb shelters.
We are checking the news all the time.  Russian invaders desperately started killing civilians, children... Lot of Russian civil people still support Putin and their propaganda lies!
We experienced a lot of feelings: anxiety, panic, aggression, but also feelings of union and pride for my people, army, president.
Everybody is fighting, online or offline. I am not a soldier at all, but I should be, continue my work, spread info, and support my family.
Everybody can support, at least don’t be silent, please spread info!
Inspiration - Brave Ukrainian woman who told Russian soldier: “Put sunflower seeds in your pocket so that sunflowers will grow when you die here
Anna Inozemtseva
“Flower of Freedom”. Соняшник - це символ Української свободи, родючої землі, яка нас годує та дає сили. Ми будемо захищати свою країну, бо тут ми народилися, тут наш дім у якому ми почуваємося вільними

The sunflower is a symbol of Ukrainian freedom, our fertile land that feeds and empowers us. We will defend our country, because here we were born, here is our home in which we feel free
Mariana Mytiuk
Erika Vasylovka
Nataliia Matiushko
Svetlana Zolotarevych (Litnie)
Віра це те що в нас є і те що невідібрати. Ми віримо що настане день коли війна закінчиться, і ми зможемо всі обійнятися, зможемо спокійно подивитися один одному в вічі і сказати ми вистоїли. Думки про майбутнє заспокоюють. Планування того що буде після дають надію. Кожен кінець це початок чогось нового. І це нове обов’язково буде, і буде таким світлим і щирим, що кожен в світі буде знати хто такі українці, сильні, мужні, та незламні!

Faith is what we have and what we do not give away. We believe that the day will come when the war will end, and we will be able to hug everyone, we will be able to look each other in the eye and say that we survived. Thoughts about the future are reassuring. Planning better future really gives hope. Th end of something mean the beginning of something new. And this new will definitely be, and will be so bright and sincere, that everyone in the world will know how Ukrainians are, strong, courageous, and indomitabe!
Polina Pustovoit
Slava Kirey
Yuliia Hrebeniuk
Julli Dem
I drew this Ukrainian girl in the evening before the war. I had anxiety in my soul and when I drew it, I felt a little better, so I fell asleep with love in my heart, and woke up in a war...
Olena Didylivska
We stand all together on side of truth and light. God will with us.

All will be Ukraine.
Glory to Ukrainian.
I'm Ukrainian Women - art collection