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一好・屴夯,首張太魯閣族語創作專輯 / 御風而行

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一好・屴夯,首張太魯閣族語創作專輯 / 御風而行



Lihaw Lihang’s First Truku Album
Album / Riding the Wind

The folded wings featured on the cover is the imagery of a crested serpent eagle. As you unpack the album, you can see the eagle spreading its wings simultaneously. Also, the album’s tracklist sets off a journey we call life. Lihaw’s mother told the younger him that she would become a crested serpent eagle when she’s no longer here. If Lihaw misses her, all he needs to do is to look up at the spinning crested serpent eagle in the sky. The imagery of the eagle on the album cover is therefore transformed into the promise of a mother who incarnates as a crested serpent eagle. The design elements on the album sleeve are the crested serpent eagle’s “Dowriq Utux Rudan”--the diamond pattern represents the eye of the ancestral spirit and a pall of clouds that cling to the mountains in Taroko National Park. Lying down on the crested serpent eagle on the album sleeve, Lihaw is once again embraced by his mother. On the inner sleeve, there’s a crested serpent eagle which is looking down at the younger version of Lihaw. You can see the Japanese dormitory in which Lihaw’s grandfather dwelt, the gigantic Marabutan in the yard, the tree house on the tree, and his mom resting under the tree; all of the images represent Lihaw’s childhood, resonating with what the songs want to convey.
一好・屴夯,首張太魯閣族語創作專輯 / 御風而行

一好・屴夯,首張太魯閣族語創作專輯 / 御風而行
