Pedro Marques sin profil

Petrobras - OTC 2013

Offshore Tecnology Conferece by Petrobras
ROLE: Information Architecture, Visual Design, UX, Creative Planning, Front End Development
Organized by the Offshore Technology Conference and by the Brazilian institute of Gas, oil and biocombustiveis, The OTC brings specialists and companies of the offshore business to share knowledge and establish new contacts and explore the most up to date technologies in the market.
See it live at:
On the Design team our goal was to build a website that the user could use it whenever he wishes. We built a responsive website with informations about the event and a knowleadge base about oil extraction, always showing the expertise of our client, the Petrobras. 
Home responsiva representada nos dois dispositivos.
Versão mobile da home
Versão para desktops e tablets da home
We also biult a web application withy the map of the event and the best way to get to where you want to.
WebApp de mapa, mostrando a localização dos stands e do usuário
Página de 60 anos Petrobras

One of the most amazing things were the knowledge pages, their goal was to provide an immersive experience with the website content, so we built a page the puts the user in the view of the offshore exploration, the user was able to dive 10 000 meters into the ocean and lear about each part of it.
This particular page was built and optimization to be seen on you notebook screen, you mobile phone and also big touch Tv's that were placed around the event.
Petrobras - OTC 2013

Petrobras - OTC 2013

Organizada pela Offshore Technology Conference e pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis – IBP, a OTC Brasil atrai renomados Se mer
