Artsakh, 2021. 
 After a long break, I finally returned to the place where everything started. The children running and playing in the back, the sounds of passing cars, the quiet life of people did not seem to remind me of the horror that was happening in the same place months ago.
 All of a sudden I found myself where my soul lived. A few days ago I received an offer to go there and share my experience and knowledge with the children and decided not to miss that chance.

 After the recent events, I felt completely broken, I had the impression that something was missing in my life, something very big. It seemed to me that going back would only hurt me and my mental state, but to my surprise, as I breathed in the air there, I seemed to recover more and more each time, and all my memories faded.
 Even though I was there for a very short time, it was enough for me to miss it, but I will always be full of longing!
 I had decided to return to my hometown, and as it turned out, I inadvertently found myself in one of the houses where I had spent quite a lot of time as a child.
 I did not miss a second and recorded all the moments with my camera to bring as much memory as I could.
 There were a lot of beautiful shots, but I decided to choose them because I think each of them is very important to me.
 The photo series consists of 14 photos, some of which are taken with tape and the other digitally. Even though the number of pictures was quite large, I decided to combine here the pictures that were the most memorable and impressive for me.
 Artsakh has a big place in my heart and after last events now it seems to have started a recovery process in me and finally the feeling of that emptiness was lost in me.
Artsakh 2021


Artsakh 2021
