Alchemical Wanderings in the Noosphere
Scott Onstott's Digital Art
My art is often based on sacred geometry, number theory, math, consciousness, perception, chakras, the human body, higher dimensional reality, crop circles, the golden section, astrology, astronomy, Pythagorean triangles, DNA, freemasonry, rosicrucian, and secret society themes.
Prime Numbers appear in red. Peter Plichta (in his book God's Secret Formula) discovered that primes radiate outward along 8 rays when arranged around a circle divided into 24 parts. The 24 ancient Egyptian letters (called uni-literals) appear in the yellow ring. The way we divide time into 24 hours corresponds with this arrangement with the 12 hours of days and of nights in the background. The Templar Cross resonates with our division of Earth's rotation in time and the radiating prime number rays. All of this temporo-aegypto-numerology emanates from the core of our being centered within the heart chakra. You are the origin point of your own coordinate system in the matrix.
In Spiral of Life I show how there is a repeating pattern within the Fibonacci sequence having a period of 24. The Fibonacci sequence repeats when the numbers are reduced to their essence or single digit so 13 becomes 4 (1+3), 21 becomes 3 (2+1), and so on. Fibonacci is related to Phi and both can be expressed as spirals as above so below.
In Free Energy I show the correlation between Ed Leedskalnin's mysterious "rotor" with its 24 magnets and the chromatic musical scale. Perhaps the secrets of free energy and levitation are based on musical principles? 24 again is very significant.
In 10:08 I draw attention to a discovery of Bert Janssen regarding the watchmaker conspiracy which is the fact that just about any watch advertisement you care to look at features the time 10:08. The reason is that hands form a perfect 103.5 degree angle at this time which points directly at the intersection of circle and square when the circumference of the circle equals the perimeter of the square (called "squaring the circle" in sacred geometry).

The numbers 1, 0, and 8 are the number of the Moon. The Moon's radius is 1080 miles. The element silver (always associated with the Moon) has an atomic weight of 108 grams/mole. Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains all use Japa Mala prayer necklaces which are made with exactly 108 beads. These are fingered as the devotee chants or repeats mantras.
Meditation on 24

Meditation on 24

Scott Onstott's Digital Art


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