Perfil de Janyne Leonardi

MIKROKOSMOS - Interactive Digital Magazine

This is my undergraduate degree final project, named "Mikrokosmos: Interactive Digital Magazine on the Cultural Heritage of Immigration in Curitiba — A perspective on the past and present". 

The main purpose of this project was to discuss the many immigration waves that my hometown, Curitiba, has received since the XVIII century, especially from Europe. 

However, in the past 20 years the city has become the home of immigrants and refugees from the Caribbean and neighbour countries from South America, which caused many discussions on racism and xenophobia. 

This magazine is divided in two parts: the first is aimed at the past immigrants and their already solidified culture in the city, and the second is to present in more detail the culture of Haitians and Venezuelans, hoping that soon these cultures will, too, compose the diverse ethnic scenario of Curitiba in its many aspects. 

It's still a work in progress, I plan on adding many interactive maps, interviews I conducted with representatives of folklore groups of those ethnicities and more chapters on different aspects of their culture present in the city, as well as a bigger debate on sensitive topics regarding the new waves of immigration.
MIKROKOSMOS - Interactive Digital Magazine

MIKROKOSMOS - Interactive Digital Magazine

This is my undergraduate degree final project, named "Mikrokosmos: Interactive Digital Magazine on the Cultural Heritage of Immigration in Curiti Leer más
