Victoria Martin's profile

terrible mood, terrible art.

terrible mood, terrible art.
Sharing what I have been up to for the past few months. Work has taken most of my time, and bad habits have resurfaced. I think I also gained new ones. One was that I worked during weekends which inevitably drained me and even affected the quality of my work.

So during the long weekend I had, I tried not to work (though I failed as I ended up checking my emails and getting a head start on my task on the noon of Sunday). Anyway, during that time I also avoided going out as I knew tourists would flock to the city.

This is what I did then—went back to painting, charcoal sketching, and rewatched Nolan's Batman franchise.

Edited photos are on the right side. As I always preferred images with texture, I added a bit of grain and sharpened the images. A lot of these are just an outlet for the pent-up stress and emotions I bottled up. I also want to express that this hobby—painting, aside from journaling, is the only thing I'm not keen on mastering. Sure, I would love to learn and try techniques, but this is the only activity that I can allow myself to let go and find a semblance of peace. Painting and sketching for me are very cathartic, and I can't allow myself to pressure, well, myself in mastering a hobby. I think it would be a very bad idea. I have already had a few fallouts with my hobbies before. I have been open about that and shared it here.

With that, please feel free to scroll through my terrible art borne from a terrible mood.
terrible mood, terrible art.

terrible mood, terrible art.
