Profil appartenant à Java Mur


The gloomy gray sidewalk of the embassy of Russia in DC is decorated with messages by protestors to stop the war in Ukraine. handmade posters on the sidewalk pillars around the embassy calling president Putin to stop. 
bus stop, right across from the embassy is covered with large school project-type posters with messages about the atrocities done in these few days by Putin against Ukraine. 
all of that and even the home-crafted Ukrainian flags with the sign "we stand for Ukraine" does little to the cold war-style, heavily guarded and the sad-looking embassy of the Russian federation in DC. 
"I know they are watching us through their security cameras... so I'm going let them see my sign", says Vadim N., Ukrainian-Azerbaijani. His sign says "Nurenberg - Nurenberg - Nurenberg".  (for the purpose of bringing Nazi war criminals to justice, the Nuremberg trials were a series of 13 trials carried out in Nuremberg, Germany, between 1945 and 1949. The defendants, who included Nazi Party officials and high-ranking military officers along with German industrialists, lawyers, and doctors, were indicted on such charges as crimes against peace and crimes against humanity.)
to a blind 68 years, old Washingtonian John O. matters of justice are very important. He is only wearing a light sweater and his long kain helps him to randomly step in and back towards the restricted and caution taped sidewalk of the Russian Embassy. What really keeps him warm is his sporadic proclamations "Stop aggression against Ukraine", which gets the attention of those who pass by and also like-minded drivers who honk in his support. "I'm cold" - he says, "But I'm going to stay here till 1 pm".
the might of the moment was breathtaking. 
scheduled and announced protest in front of the Russian embassy had only two participants. 
one of them was blind and was not of Ukrainian descent. 
"God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong" - Bible 
Glory to Ukraine 
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volume XVI - Glory to Ukraine

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