Henkilön Simran Gupta profiili

Shiva - The Creator | Preserver | Destroyer

Creator | Preserver | Destroyer

Most people are familiar with the holy trinity of Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva. The Creator, the preserver, and the destroyer.

Shiva is regarded as Destroyer in Hindu scriptures but in many Universes he also acts as the creator and preserver. As stated in a story of Krishna era, there are infinite universes existing, infinite universes are being created and destroyed every second. Also every universe has a separate trinity and the task of the Gods of Trinity may vary from universe to universe so any of the three Brahma, Vishnu or Shiva can perform any task for a particular universe.

Inspired by the idea of Trimurti sculpture of Elephanta caves. The sculpture depicts a three-headed shiva. The three heads represent three essential aspects of shiva: creation, protection and destruction.

Shiva - The Creator

Here, it depicts the promise of life and creativity. This face is symbolism for Brahma, the creator or Uma or Vamadeva, the feminine side of Shiva and creator.

Shiva - The Preserver

Here, it resemble the preserver Vishnu. This is the shiva form as the 'master of positive and negative principles of existence and preserver of their harmony'.
Shiva - The Destroyer

This is shiva as the terrifying Aghora or Bhairava, the chaos creator and destroyer. This is also known as Rudra-Shiva, the Destroyer.
Shiva - The Creator | Preserver | Destroyer


Shiva - The Creator | Preserver | Destroyer
