Lisa Charlotte Rost sin profil

dotview #1 Magazine (

Redaksjonell design is a project that brings the web into a print medium. The magazine features the article “Is Google making us stupid?” by Nicholas Carr and its reactions of the blogosphere. As an experiment it investigates how the web influences our reading behaviour. For the magazine pages of I used many browser and website elements like header and sidebar, but presented them in a grey Helvetica in always the same size. The actual and black content fights for attention with the dominant blue links and reader comments.

I designed this magazine 2011 in the Editorial Design class of Paul Sych at the York University. The project was honored with the Output Award 2012.
Thank you for appreciating!
dotview #1 Magazine (

dotview #1 Magazine (

The first issue of dotview combines brings the web into print with the question: "Is Google Making Us Stupid?"
