A La Grange, Illinois resident, Elizabeth “Betsy” Lowery graduated from Governor's State University and holds a master of science in communication disorder. Elizabeth Lowery owned Little You, Inc., where she specialized in articulation and phonology disorders.

Phonology disorders are problems that appear when a child fails to understand the sound and speech systems. A child with a phonology disorder struggles to pronounce certain sounds. Typically, a child can pronounce the letter in some words and fail to pronounce it in others.

Children can develop two types of phonology disorders: consistent and inconsistent. A child with a constant phonology disorder has unusual phonological errors not typically encountered with children their age.

The inconsistent phonology disorder makes a child have high variability on single words, which means they may pronounce a word in many different ways. Phonology disorders can be treated with speech therapies that include sound practice. For example, a child may struggle to pronounce words articulated in the front of the mouth. To help them, a speech therapist shows them how to position the tongue and teeth to pronounce the word easier.
Phonology Disorder Types and Treatments

Phonology Disorder Types and Treatments


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