Scandicci TV
Social web Tv Identity
Scandicci TV is a social web TV.
Scandicci Tv offers  to the people the chance to upload for free their video, in order to document the acitvities of the Scandicci Area, near Florence.
Scandicci Tv is made thanks of the files of the contributors, and its purpose is a Social and Nonprofit activity of video archive.
We have been involved in this social project, realising the Identity of the web TV and he promotional material which is given for free in order to promote the project and involve the citizens of Scandicci.

Visit the site
The Scandicci Tv logo is based on the FILE  FONT that you can find here.
Scandicci TV

Scandicci TV

We worked on the Identity of a Social Web TV dedicated to the Scandicci area near Florence.
