HOW TO PLAY - visit and get matched with a real-time partner.
(Traffic is low, so you may wish to grab a friend. But no cheating! Don't communicate while playing.)
Players are paired up, and attempt to answer quantitative questions about things depicted in photos. Here's the catch: the computer doesn't know the answers - yet.
Quanty is part of a research endeavor by the Science of Imagination Laboratory at Carleton University, Ottawa. By playing, you are contributing to a data resource which may help to advance computer visualization and artificial intelligence.
My pair-programming partner and I spent a few months making Quanty from the ground up. This included front and back-end design and implementation.
On the front end, the game is inspired by (but not directly affiliated with) Games With A Purpose, a leader in gamified crowdsourcing towards better computer vision.
On the back end, Quanty integrates image annotation data from LabelMe, where users mark up photos with labels and outlines. The goal is to build another layer of insight on top of this, gathering a database of properties for those labeled things.

Additional tasks included an open data utility, admin pages, and documentation.
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Two players go in, data for better computer vision comes out.

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