Profil von Dorothée DinneProfil von Marc Nostromo

Geometry + Processing

We've being asked to create visuals that has being displayed during LAZER#1 party in Brussels. 
We wanted to be slow and hypnotic as opposed to the flashy collage used traditionally in VJ'ing.  
void draw() { if (!enabled_) return; for (int i = 0; i < ellipses_.length ; i++) { pushMatrix(); Ellipse rotator = ellipses_[i] ; rotate(rotator.rotation_*2*PI); noFill(); strokeWeight(2); ellipse(0, 0, rotator.sizeX_*height, rotator.sizeY_*height); popMatrix(); } }
Geometry + Processing

Geometry + Processing

Visuals for LAZER#1 party in Brussels.
