Jim Brow's profile

Planet-X-Files Parody Poster

Commissioned to create a parody poster based off of the 'I WANT TO BELIEVE' poster found in Mulder's office of X-Files. The directive was to incorporate that poster design in some fashion with the defunct Apocalyptic Planet X prediction. 
Removed UFO, resized to print resolution via dark magic, split into foreground/middle/back ground layers, vectorized font. 
Hashed out rolling clouds, rough planet size, and placement.
Fleshed out planet topography & added an approaching flame wall. Because who doesn't love a flame wall? (It also was to help seperate the clouds from the hills, but that's not as cool as flames, explosions, and lightning...so let's go with that.)
Refined cloud(s), planet, and overall tone.
Ready to print.
Planet-X-Files Parody Poster

Planet-X-Files Parody Poster

Commissioned parody poster 2014
