Fan Art Friday #5
This goes to Abi Mattis and more importantly Boo Blackerby who has his 10th Birthday coming up!
Happy Birthday Boo!
If you want a chance to recieve free art of your choice all you have to do is send a request.  Once is all it takes and you have a random chance be choosen!

And the winner is...Tyler Branch - you win your ADK to NYC request!
It's a little more graphic this week!

Remember Fan Art Friday fans (and non fans): all you have to do is is write your request (could be anything)  and you have a chance to win FREE ART! The winner is selected weekly at random and gets a High Res image sent to them to do with as they please! Requests each week get added to the pool - there is no need to re-enter. ENJOY!
Fan Art Friday 3rd Edition
Baby Buster Bluth
Dedicated to Molly Young
Be sure to send a request for your chance at a FREE commissioned Art work of your choice!
2nd Edition of Fan Art Friday!
NateDogg Rest in Peace, requested by Kirk Sullivan.
Fan Art Friday is my way of practicing requested commission art while having some fun.  The way it will work is that anyone can request a fan art piece for me to create.  From the requests I will choose one, at random, and create it.  The lucky person that was chosen will be given a high res. copy to do with as they please and I will post them for everyone to see.
Have a request just send me a message!
This weeks first ever Fan Art Friday goes as a joint dedication to my sister Kelli and Memory Lane Comics for hooking my up with the INVINCIBLE Compendium vol. 1.  Thank you!
Hope you enjoy!
Fan Art Friday