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MER DE GLACE | French Alps

M E R   D E   G L A C E
F R E N C H   A L P S
"Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait
for the train of the future to run over him."
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Near Chamonix, there's an old red train taking you to a magnificent place, the Montenvers Mer De Glace. This railway created in 1909 is one of the most famous attraction of the whole region and is clearly an experience by its own. "Mer De Glace" literally signifies "Sea of Ice" in French, the name given to the glacier right next to the famous Mont-Blanc. After a few minutes by train, you arrive at the station and discover a panorama shaped by years of climatic events. The glacier is constantly decreasing due to global warming, leading to erratic stairs and bridges being added through time (30 to 40 steps /year). The "1990" panel gives an idea on where the glacier was a few years ago. You now have to walk dozens of meters to reach the bottom.
MER DE GLACE | French Alps


MER DE GLACE | French Alps
