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Armoured Media - Tarot Cards pt 1

Armoured Media - Tarot Cards pt1

These are Armoured Media inspired Tarot cards I had created between September 2021- January 2022. The final deck has 78 Tarot Cards and 2 extra cards. Majority of the cards have been seen by Gregory Fluhrer, however some have not been seen. I am working on Packaging ideas and a guide book. These won't be sold and cannot be used without permission.
Skeptic Tarot Card Packaging Concept.
One day I found myself playing with my Oracle Cards and listening to another episode of Full Metal Tuxedo. I pulled out the Greenman card and this sparked the idea of my very own tarot card deck, inspired by my favorite content creator. 

Figuring out the style came after Gregory took a liking to my World Card concept design. His response on social media gave me confidence in my design skills and gave me the drive to design the deck.  
Greenman / World Concept design
This project took a long time to make. I collected as many references from the Armoured media social media as I could. Honestly, I felt as though I was stalking Gregory after a while. I collected images and references from his social media, online pages, videos, screenshots and any other source I could find.

I wanted these cards to represent Gregory's creations and be personal to him, but also a trip down memory lane with his fans. I kept in mind how proud he is to be a Canadian and how he had grown as a person, evolving to what he is today.

I used my expressionistic mindset to add a little bit of myself to this deck as well, with  unique colours for each card. The Image font best resembled his original font, giving it a more Skeptic feel and leading to the name of the deck.  
This is one of the extra cards. It represents all the Armoured Media Skeptic Characters.
The first lot of cards included the following designs, as seen in the image below.

I was not confident about these designs, however, I wanted Gregory to know that I was creating a personal project with his creations as the core inspiration.

I sent this image, containing a few of the designs to him and he was rather impressed, even going as far as to complement my use of symbolism. 

This meant a lot to me and I happily sent him better quality images, while the deck progressed. His feedback and kind words helped me so much throughout this process.

It is important to remember that I had no intention of posting these designs on any of my social media and wanted to make this deck for myself, Gregory and my portfolio. Gregory respected this and later my friends would convince me to share these designs on my social media. 
First designs for the deck
Gregory's help did not merely stop at feedback, he also helped me find some images.

I had been struggling to find an image that I had seen on his social media in the past. He very kindly sent me the two images that resembled the one I had vaguely described. 

I was so grateful and was able to create the Lovers and Emperor Cards with these images. These images worked perfectly with the concept that I was hoping to achieve for  each of these cards.  
The Emperor Tarot
The Lovers Tarot
The strength and hanged man cards also developed together.

I originally knew exactly which image I wanted to use for the strength card, however had difficulty finding the video for a while. The video reference, "Announcing my onlyfans", seemed to have disappeared and would not come up in any of my searches.

So I designed the Strength card with the image I wanted to use for the Hanged man. Not wanting to give up hope, I eventually found the link on the Armoured Media Facebook page. I also found the image I used for the Hanged man reference on this page.  Using the link, I took many screen shots to get the image I wanted.
In the end I was able to use the designs for the correct cards. 
The Hanged Man Tarot
The Strength Tarot
After designing the first 22 cards and the back of the cards it was time to design for Cups, Swords, Pentacles and Wands.

I used similar imagery throughout the inner group decks (Cups, Wands, Pentacles, Swords) and used the group titles as the themes for each card.  This helped make the Skeptic deck more uniform and come together in a more professional way.

The Cups King Card has Skeptic, Luke and Mike in a design inspired by the new revised animation, recently shared by Gregory.  There is also a skeptic cup falling beside the skeptic character.
Example: The Cups King Card
The Pentacles 6 card is one of my favorites from the Pentacles part of the deck. I used a variety of pinks and purples from flowers. The image came from the Armoured Media stories on social media. 
Example: Pentacles 6
I used two different sword designs for a majority of the  sword cards.

This is perhaps my favorite cards in the deck. Swards 10 shows Gregory standing with 10 swords in his back. As green as the Greenman and wearing a priest outfit.
Example: Swords 10
The wands was a little more tricky, however I used similar wands throughout the designs and tried to create uniformity where I could.
Wands 9 shows Gregory looking to his side at 9 wands. I used mainly warm colours.
Example: Wands 9
Overall, I really enjoyed designing each of the 78 tarot cards and the extra 2 cards. I did a lot of research, collected as much sources as possible and spent hours designing and developing the style of the cards.  Gregory was a lovely muse and the deck came out even better than I had hoped.

Many people who have seen the cards have insisted I sell them, however the idea makes me uncomfortable. I was persuaded to ask Gregory what he thought of this idea, because I absolutely refused to sell them without his permission. As expected, Gregory hadn't responded to such a question, so I believe the idea made him uncomfortable as well or my wording was uncomfortable.

I will do as I originally planned, Print a mock up deck and packaging for personal use and 2 to 3 final decks. One deck for Gregory, because he expressed interest in having a deck of his own.  The other 2 for myself and a close gaming friend. some cards have been shared and others are yet to be relieved.

The Skeptic deck was designed specifically for my Portfolio and CV. It is for personal use and unless I have given you permission to use my designs or are Gregory, you cannot use them for your own gain. 
Armoured Media - Tarot Cards pt 1

Armoured Media - Tarot Cards pt 1
