Geert Heirbaut's profile

Lost in Nature- the new Normal

Lost in nature illustrates a world of complex imaginations. Nothing is real, everything associates to memories, motives, to the referral world. Teeming with gratuitous aberrations, different layers with several sub-organic eyes float unanchored, illuminated by overwhelming colours. Insanely curled, the viewer's eye is drawn into the image, discovering amongst the dense layers fantastical embryonic forms and structures, swirls of well-known gestures.  
Jungle Fever
acrylic on canvas
90 x 110 cm
Roller Coaster
out of the series The New Normal
Acrylic on canvas, 2011, 90 x 110 cm
The naked monkey
Acrylic on canvas, 2012, 90 x 110 cm

Halo Dreamer
Acrylic on canvas, 2012, 90 x 110 cm
Acrylic on canvas, 2012, 90 x 110 cm
Mechanical Ventilation or the Tubes man
 Acrylic on canvas, 2012, 90 x 115 cm
Lost in Nature- the new Normal

Lost in Nature- the new Normal

Lost in nature paintings illustrates a world of complex imaginations.
