Sean Nelissens profil

The Accidental Cookbook

By not eating roadkill, not only are we letting good, free meat go to waste; we are letting the animal’s death, which was a result of our action, go in vain. 
The thought of eating roadkill is of a squeamish nature. Although it has cons, there are a lot of positive sides to it. Roadkill could even be the answer for many vegetarians – while, that is at least, if their objection to meat is that it is murder. This animal was not bred for its meat. It lived its life in its own natural environment, not trapped in a room with hardly any room to move, waiting until it’s time to move on to the slaughter line.
The animal lived on food from its natural environment, giving its meat a more natural and richer taste. Which, unlike the cephalon package meat, has not been loaded with antibiotics, hormones and growth stimulants.
This is why I decided to create a culinary cookbook about roadkill.
Images by flickr user:
Lostinfog: Roadkill deer pa212336
Peter aka Anemoneproject: GOC St Paul's Walden 063: Pheasant
Drawings from:

The Accidental Cookbook

The Accidental Cookbook

By not eating roadkill, not only are we letting good, free meat go to waste; we are letting the animal’s death, which was a result of our action, Läs mer
