A. P.'s profile

Limb Numbness II

Limb Numbness II
Long-awaited disappearance. Never ascetic. Indulgent.
A welcoming self-sufficiency
D.I.Y spirit

engrossed // the thing
Mid December. Windy. Smell of freshly chopped wood & motor oil. Numb hands dressed in grease
winter's arrival
 birch stock
Izh works I
Izh works II-IV (clutch repair, adjusting ignition, chain replacement)
meanwhile // blinding blizzard
Izh reborn
Two weeks later the return
inside-outside // cold bed
ready the stoves // several cold hours
accommodation // first trip
zero grip // g-force // ice traps
hellishly cold // limb numbness II
landscapes I // second trip
frozen tears
The bonfire night
Meditations under full moon
a mystic occurrence
the bonfire I-III
the bonfire IV-V
the bonfire VI-VII
a mystic occurrence II
 "winter forest spiritual enslavement" // a beast in his habitat
 light emanations
The journey to the end of the world
Biarezina's west bank. Anomalies & Artifacts. Frostbites. Eyelashes frozen together
landscapes II-III
frozen tears II
 Biarezina river // eternal echoes // fishermen's paths
the end of the world I-III
Frozen landscapes of Central Belarus. Winter 2021-2022.
Limb Numbness II

Limb Numbness II


Creative Fields