After 2 years of having online classes and on a sprint to work on a personal project, I decided to tackle issues we normally face with make-shift work/study spaces and desktop accessories. So I decided to take a playful attempt at the generic mouse design with the opportunity area of making it compact and easy to carry. 

3 different design directions
A quick study of the internals
Decided to take apart the Logitech pebble mouse to study the basic components of a Bluetooth mouse. This helped in making some decisions regarding the battery and controls
This project was very experimental and challenging in many ways. It was mainly me trying to understand the material, and the right-making process irrespective of a potential works-like prototype

Keeping the form of the mouse simple and easy to inflate.
The first attempt was to use heat seals to seal the sides. Using flat sheets of the footprint didn't give the desired output. Realised that the top sheet needed to be shaped. Used a heat gun and the foam as the mould to derive the shape.
Vinyl sheets of different thicknesses were used to identify which one would have the ideal time to inflate. Using the vacuum press also determined which thickness takes the shape of the wooden mould well.
The vacuum press was used to get the desired shape with the help of a wooden mould. the bottom vinyl sheet is flat and stuck inwards and outwards to check the desired feel and look of the mouse.
The concept
Air is an inflatable mouse that can deflate and slide into your pocket or bag or laptop sleeve and easily inflate with the nozzle open and ready to be used. By compressing the air out for deflation and opening the nozzle to auto-inflate, the mouse makes the task easy. The touch-sensing array at the top is connected to the component compartment at the bottom, making the mouse slim and compact. The cushiony feel of the mouse makes it comfortable to use for a longer duration causing less stress and an enjoyable experience.
Context scenarios - Laptop sleeve
Deflate - store & carry. Inflate & use
Almost works-like prototype
Thank you!

Project Made For


An experimental desktop mouse concept
