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Risograph Experiments Vol.1

Risograph Experiments Vol.01, 308 Pages (200 Colored), 13 Colors (White, Black, Grey, Aqua, Medium Blue, Teal, Green, Hunter Green, Purple, Fluorescent Pink, Fluorescent Orange, Yellow, Metallic Gold), Various Papers, Thread Stitching, Width (146mm), Length (204mm), One (1) Copy, Self Published, 2020-2021

A publication that incorporates a collection of missprints occured through the process of producing A3 risograph prints and experimenting with the technique. It acts as an alternative specimen for risograph printing as it a. showcases a wide range of colours and papers b. highlights the possibilites of overlapping two or more colours (risograph ink is transparent) c. uses examples of how riso translates data from vector graphics, real objects, textures or photographs and last d. embraces mistakes and imperfections.

Risograph Experiments Vol.1

Risograph Experiments Vol.1

Risograph Experiments Vol.01, 308 Pages (200 Colored), 13 Colors (White, Black, Grey, Aqua, Medium Blue, Teal, Green, Hunter Green, Purple, Fluor Se mer
