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How to find the cheapest airline tickets

How to find the cheapest airline tickets
Finding as cheap airline tickets as possible is essential for many travelers. Low-budget airlines have a monopoly on short-haul flights within Europe, so why pay more if you do not have to? However, competition has become increasingly fierce, and prices have steadily increased in recent years, making it more difficult to find cheap flights. However, there is still hope if you book in time and know where to look to fly cheap.

1. Book early for cheap airline ticket
You have probably heard a tip several times before, but it is still the most crucial factor in finding airline tickets at the lowest possible price. But how far in advance should you book your flight? In our experience, a booking 3-6 weeks before departure gives the most excellent chance to the Cheapest Flights.

2. Compare Flights for Cheap Flights
Depending on the airline, the same flight distance can have significant price differences. Low-cost airlines can often offer significantly cheaper airline tickets, and sometimes it is possible to save up to 75% of the ticket price. Especially with current affairs, you can find cheap airline tickets when you are a little lucky. That is why it pays to compare airline tickets even between low-cost airlines when you want to fly cheap. The easiest way to do this is with the help of travel search engines.

3. Do not go for "Last Minute" offers!
Last-minute tickets are almost always more expensive! Of course, this may sound strange to most people. The last-minute is so associated with cheap travel. But it is essential to keep in mind that the airlines divide the airline seats into different price ranges, which usually rise in price. The cheapest airline seats are booked quickly when released, and there are still airline tickets in the more expensive price categories. Remember that this also applies to low-cost airlines when looking for cheap flights!

4. Only if you are very flexible
No rules without exceptions. If the demand for a particular flight is low and is therefore not sold out, the airlines release the remaining tickets at a much lower price. The problem here is that you can never know in advance if a particular trip will offer last-minute tickets. But if you are flexible when you want to travel, this can be a good alternative. Remember to be ready to travel early the following day if you find a last-minute flight ticket in the evening, for example, if you want to fly cheap.

5. Check the discount calendars
how to find cheap airline tickets
If you do not have to travel on a specific day, you always have a better chance of getting a plane ticket at a lower cost. Therefore, if possible, it is a good idea not to nail down an exact vacation date until you find a cheap flight ticket. Here, the airlines' low-cost calendars are a great help.

Search for multiple departure / destination locations
It also helps to tick the option for all airports in a search. There are often airports near the city of departure or destination where the low-cost airlines primarily fly. Application shows results for flights to the current goal and finds cheap flights to other airports and destinations nearby.

7. Fly when no one else is
You have the best chance of finding cheap airline tickets if you choose to book your ticket when it is not the holiday season. Therefore, avoid booking airline tickets during school holidays and certain holidays such as Easter, Pentecost if you want a cheap flight, Ascension Day, etc. However, flights on certain special days, such as Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve, can be significantly cheaper. This often applies to airline tickets with departure dates on Friday the 13th. A general rule of thumb is also to choose to fly on weekdays instead of weekends (a trip Monday to Monday, for example, is almost always significantly cheaper than the same trip Friday to Friday.)

8. Sometimes it pays to fly back from another place
A return trip from a city other than the one you arrived at can sometimes pay off if you look for cheap airline tickets. If, for example, you fly from Stockholm to Madrid and then fly back from Barcelona. Therefore, it is reasonable to check several options for the return trip, especially if you still plan to make a round trip to different cities.

9. Travel with hand luggage
This tip is also well known when it comes to the chance to find cheap airline tickets. Traveling with checked baggage can be expensive, even if the airline tickets are initially presented at a meager price. The low-cost airlines, in particular, charge a substantial cost for luggage to be checked in. Other companies often include luggage in the flight ticket price, but be very careful to check it before you book your ticket.

10. Be sure when booking
With low-cost airlines, rebooking and cancellations often involve high costs, and usually, nothing is refunded of the ticket price you paid for a cancellation. If you have to rebook your flight ticket, you can unfortunately even pay to book a brand new ticket instead.
How to find the cheapest airline tickets

How to find the cheapest airline tickets


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