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Air Cargo to Canada

Next MoversWorldwide's shipping solutions
Air Cargo to Canada provides cargo service between and to more than 500 cities across six continents. With our self-managed hubs at Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary, London and Frankfurt and a the network of flights that connect important cities and a large sales representation for Next Movers worldwide, we offer the best solutions for the ongoing shipment of products Next Movers worldwide.
Freight by air is the transport method of choice for speedy delivery the most. It is ideal for products that require getting to market quickly, such as seafood products, food, pharmaceuticals fashion, electronics engines, fashion items or anything else that needs to be delivered quickly.
Air Canada Cargo has more than 250 wide-body direct flights that allow freight to be transported throughout the Next Movers globe in less than 24 hours Airport to airport.
To help you manage your shipments effectively, Air Canada Cargo provides an array of products and solutions. Our cutting-edge e-Booking system and mobile app that is easy to use as well as web-based tracking and email notifications make it simple to remain on top of your business regardless of where you're located.
This is what to expect from shipping using Air Canada Cargo:
Global network of extensive coverage
Tracking of shipment on the web
Mobile and e-Booking services as well as e-Booking
Airport to airport within 24 hours, then Movers
Effective processes for handling and transport
IATA regulations are in compliance. IATA regulations
Unparalleled expertise in the industry.
AC Cool Chain
Speed and Reliability - Whether your shipment consists of pharmaceuticals, perishables or other temperature-sensitive commodities, AC Cool Chain offers a selection of solutions designed with your specific needs in mind. AC Cool Chain solutions are made to support packages that require active or passive packaging. In compliance with the IATA's Temperature Controlled & Perishable Cargo Regulations (TCR/PCR) and taking into account the timetable for transportation and the appropriate packaging, AC Cool Chain promises the highest quality handling of your packages to ensure they reach their destination in a safe and timely manner. time.
AC Pharmacair
AC Pharmacair is the AC Cool Chain solution for products that are transported inside passive containers. Products that tolerate ambient conditions during the transportation schedule can be booked with Standard service, while products that are sensitive to ambient temperatures and require storage in temperature-controlled holding areas can be booked with Priority service. In both cases, the using the right packaging specifically for the specific transport schedule is recommended.
AC Pharmacair Highlights:
IATA TCR (Temperature Regulated Regulations) in compliance
Prioritized tender and retrieval times
Extra time on the asphalt
Storage areas controlled by TC or ambient areas controlled by TC or ambient (TC storage facilities might be restricted or not accessible at certain places).
AC Absolute
AC Absolute is the AC Cool Chain solution we provide. It is an active solution that is designed for goods which are highly sensitive to temperature fluctuations and require precise temperature control during the entire transport schedule. The precise temperature control is accomplished through the use of active containers that use dry ice or compressors to keep temperature levels (between 20degC to 25degC) within the container. Active containers can be rented by Air Canada Cargo.
AC Absolutedeg Highlights:
IATA TCR/PCR certified
Prioritised tender/retrieval timeframes
Extra time on the asphalt
Monitoring is conducted on a regular basis during their time our care
Electric containers that are connected to a power source in warehouses
Dry Ice containers are re-iced and batteries replaced as needed
Containers that are currently in use for rental (Envirotainer CSafe)
Service Enhancements
DuPont Tyvek Air Cargo Covers
Air Canada Cargo offers Tyvek Air Cargo Covers as an additional value-added option for AC Pharmacair shipments that require additional protection against temperature variations. Tyvek Air Cargo Covers are specifically engineered to address the threat of cold chain breaks during air transit -- when temperature-sensitive products are at the greatest risk for temperature excursions. They are tested in a variety of uses around the world, Tyvek Air Cargo Covers are available at some Air Canada Cargo locations.
GPS Tracking Devices
Air Canada Cargo has approved numerous GPS tracking devices to be used in our planes. With live-time capability at every point within the supply chain, GPS tracking devices provide the stakeholders with crucial information that allows them to act to limit or eliminate losses in the security and integrity of cargo.
Learn more about AC Cool Chain
Air Canada Cargo provides air transport to more than the world's 450 cities by air direct service, connections to interlines, and the trucking network. To view the complete listing of AC Pharmacair and AC Absolutedeg accredited stations, please visit our website using the contact details listed below.

Air Cargo to Canada


Air Cargo to Canada
