Alicja Suska 的个人资料

Design Debt 101 | Editorial Illustration

Design Debt 101 is a knowledge base about Design Debt full of resources that Teams reduce friction in design processes, increase productivity and speed up innovation.

Illustrations come from articles The 'What' and 'Why' of Design Debt and Measuring Design Debt.

Design Debt 101 is an attempt to popularise the knowledge about Design Debt, research the problem further, offer solutions to the Teams and build the community around this topic for the benefit of the whole tech industry.

Illustration: Alicja Suska
Production: Outdraw Design

Web Design & Development in Webflow

We’ve created a website that showcases the library, its capabilities, examples, and all the materials needed to understand and use Highlights. We’ve also developed it using Webflow.

Let's work together!

Design Debt 101 | Editorial Illustration



Design Debt 101 | Editorial Illustration
